Posted by: alwaysrkp | September 16, 2010

Everyone Communicates, Few Connect

John Maxwell lays out some practical advice for communicating.  He addresses a problem that many poor communicators have.  If you struggle to get results from your communications, then you need to understand the message in this book. Connect with people.

If you want to be heard, if you want to relay a message, if you want to make impact with your communications, you must learn to connect with your audience. Maxwell describes five principles for connecting and in the end gives five practices for connecting.

I whole-heartedly agree with Maxwell’s concepts, and plan to refer to this book again so I remember his points.

The book languished on too long for me.  I struggled to focus past the first few chapters.  I found myself skimming them looking for fresh content.  I had felt guilty (and honestly postponed this review for the entire summer) until I read some other reviews and found that I was not alone.

The content is good, but if you read the book, do not get bogged down in the content.  In the words of my son: “Find the main sentence” for each section, highlight it and move on.  This might be the worst and shortest book review I have ever done.  Interesting contrast to the book.

Thank you to BookSneeze by Thomas Nelson Publishing for providing me a free copy of this book to review in exchange for my honest review.

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