Why the blog?

Chosen…He Chose Me…

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last.  John 15:16a

This is not my life verse as many would call it, but it is a very important verse to me.

I have a talk that I have given entitled “He Chose Me” – it’s a bit of my life story and proof that God chose me.

I cannot cut and paste that talk here because it is certainly more than 700 words.

The short version is:

God has saved me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  He chose me.  I could have been a drug addict or an alcoholic – easily.  I could have been so deep in immorality that it would have been near impossible to come out of it.  I could have been dead – and almost was.  I could have NOT had a relationship with my gracious and merciful Lord.  I could have been damaged in so many ways.

I do bear scars.  However, gradually, when the Lord knew I could handle it, He exposed my scars and grafted new (soul/mental/emotional and spiritual) skin on.  It was hard and it hurt during the process. In the end, however, I was free of something that has plagued me for years.

But life…there are bumps and valleys and mountains along the way.  

This blog is a reflection of many things.  I sometimes post things about  being purposeful and healthy (physically, spiritually and emotionally).  Some of those topics would be in (Essence of Everyday).

If there is something the Lord is really impressing on my heart or things that I just want to shout from the roof top because God is Good – ALL THE TIME. (God’s Goodness or Robin’s Ramblings)- which flows into the next thing:

Healing Heart Hurts.  Healing Hearts….My heart has had much to heal from.  Most people do.  Our scars come from different things.  I feel I am the most emotionally healed that I have ever been in my life but getting here was a process – a long one.  Occasionally I find that I need more healing. Many women have hurting hearts that need healing.  If we can help each other along, maybe we will get there faster.

I am very transparent.  I have been through much.  I have suffered much.  And I am willing to talk about it. Of whom much is given, much is required.  I have been given many hard things to go through and bear.  So God expects me (and I want) to give back to others who have hard things to deal with in a BIG way.  I want to be used of God.  This blog is just a small part of that BIG work I must do.

I’m so thankful to be chosen.  To be a chosen child of God.  I’m so grateful He looked down on me, pathetic sinner that I am and CHOSE ME to be His own. So thankful He chose to forgive me of many wrongs.

Lord, may I never forget all You’ve done for me, All You ARE..and may I never forget to continually praise You for those things!


  1. Robin,

    You are the winner of the Tastefully Simple giveaway! Please send me an e-mail with your address and I’ll get that in the mail to you.



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